Doors to be Opened: Community Workshop with Helen Sieroda & Anna Thurdin Hedblad

apr 13, 2023 | Nyheter

As the Inner Development Goals are now leaping from Stockholm into the world, the interest for inner development is growing fast. In this time, psychosynthesis have opportunities to open many new doors in the world of business and leadership.


📅  May 11
⏰ 9:00-12:00
📍 Psykosyntesakademin
💸 We suggest a 500 kr donation

Two of the co-authors of the new Psychosynthesis anthology, Helen Sieroda & Anna Thurdin Hedblad, invite you to a conversation about their experience of psychosynthesis in business and leadership and how the Inner Development Goals, the IDG:s, can offer new ways to bring the work we love into worlds where doors are still to be opened to it. A community event open to alumni and students of Psykosyntesakademin (who have completed Essentials at PsA or Fundamentals at PsI).

The Inner Development Goals (the IDG:s) is a non-profit, open source initiative to accelerate the work towards the UN:s Sustainable Development Goals, the SDG:s.  

You can expect a session where we:
Connect with each other, the IDG:s and our vision
Support the further spread of the work
Explore possibilities through mutual sharing

Helen Sieroda

Helen Sieroda

Helen Sieroda (UK) was one of Psykosyntesakademin’s founding teachers and is an APECS Master Executive Coach. She trains coaches and accompanies leaders who seek to have a deeper, wider and more connected reach in their actions. Helen was a UKCP registered therapist for over 20 years, today she moves with ease between roles of coach, trainer and systemic thinking partner in order to meet her clients where they need to be met. As Helen puts it: “I want to take the work to where doors have been closed.” Helen was core faculty at Psykosyntesakademin for 25 years.

Anna Thurdin Hedblad

Anna Thurdin Hedblad

Anna Thurdin Hedblad is a psychosynthesis therapist, coach and supervisor who has worked for two decades to bring a transpersonal dimension to the leaders in the business world. She works through her company PAX Ledarskap to serve individuals and groups in a wide array of businesses who recognize the power of their leadership as instrument for change.  

Under Psykosyntesbloggen kan du läsa mer om vad olika personer, inom psykologins och psykosyntesens värld, både i Sverige och internationellt, tänker ur en mångfald av perspektiv på psykosyntes, psykologi och människan i livet.

