“A Dialogue with Dreams”
with Andrea Bocconi
Invitation to a one-day professional
development seminar & workshop
Invitation to a one-day professional development seminar & workshop
Stockholm, Sweden – 25 April 2019

“A Dialogue with Dreams”
Welcome to this unique opportunity to meet Andrea Bocconi, educator, author, psychologist and psychosynthesis psychotherapist. His work on different levels of consciousness, dreams and creative writing, has helped clients and professionals, all over the world, in many different countries and cultures.
Since time immemorial, dreams have been a part of every human culture. They have been woven into myths & stories on a collective level. Are they coming from the gods or from the demons? On an individual level, dreams have also been explored for a deeper understanding of meaning or with a search for messages. Are dreams giving us direction or perhaps also bearing tidings of difficulties ahead?
What do they mean? Where are they coming from?
Are dreams talking about the past?
Are they talking about the future?
Is dreaming just a chaotic activity of the brain?
What are lucid dreams?
Freud’s interpretation of dreams has influenced psychology for the past 120 years. In this practical and theoretical seminar & workshop will ask ourselves what Psychosynthesis has to offer both as a theory and as techniques for personal, transpersonal and therapeutic psychosynthesis.
We will propose interpretative techniques but also when not to interpret. We will explore how we can have a dialogue with dreams, and with guided daydreams (based on the work of Desoille) and with visualizations.
In offering this rare opportunity for therapists and others from the helping professions to go deeper in their own dreams and at the same time gain insight into methods and exercises that can be transferred to their professional practises, we are hoping to contribute to building bridges between different therapeutic practises in the existential and humanistic fields.
Stockholm, in February, 2019
Stiftelsen PsykosyntesAkademin
Place PsykosyntesAkademin, Tengdahlsgatan 32, 116 47 Stockholm.
Fee 1.900 SEK (+ VAT (moms) for corporate payment)
Language The workshop will be held in English, with Swedish interpretation when needed. Individual work is done in Swedish as well as work in small groups.
Coffee Morning and afternoon tea/coffee will be included with sandwiches, light snacks and fruit.
Lunch There will be an hour’s lunchbreak. For those who wish to bring their food there are two microwaves for use in the kitchen. For those who wish to go out, there are several food places in the vicinity offering reasonably priced lunches.
Open to Therapist/counsellor graduates from psychosynthesis and psychotherapy trainings in the existential and humanistic fields as well as other clinicians if space allows.
Participants Maximum 18 and minimum 8 people.
Register Email with name, mobile number and professional background to: annmarie.lamb@psykosyntesakademin.se.
Payment After registration, payment can be made through the enclosed link to Simple Signup»
Cancellation 100% refund if you cancel before 24 March. Full refund if cancelled by PsykosyntesAkademin.