I år hälsar vi Andrea Bocconi välkommen som föreläsare på Margo Russel-dagen, där årets stipendiat kommer att presenteras. Andrea undersöker idén om gränser på olika nivåer: intrapersonellt, personligen, interpersonellt kulturellt och nationellt. Vi får också ställa oss frågor om gränser i vår egen gemenskap på Psykosyntesakademin.
📅 Söndag 11 juni
⏰ 17:00-19:00
📍 Psykosyntesakademin
💸 Kostnadsfritt (eller med en donation till Margo Russel-stiftelsen)
Såhär skriver Andrea Bocconi om ämnet: Borders is a hot topic. Every level has effects on the others, as we can easily recognize in the war in Ukraine. The violation of the national borders of Ukraine has not only effects for the two nations. The world balance changes. China, USA and Europe are touched economically, politically, militarly. A new situation that creates psychological tension all over the world. We have to face new risks, new uncertainties, new and old fears. Instability, impermanence, the sense of a possible catastrophe. Psychologists have never worked so much.
National borders are both real and psychological – they define identities. A cultural character does exist, not only in jokes. How many cultures in this room at Psykosyntesakademin? Are we really conscious of the differences or do we tend to ignore them?
We remember Assagioli’s teachings about Psychosynthesis of Nations.
The thesis is that we must consider all these levels: from the global to the individual, from the interpersonal to the intrapersonal and to the transpersonal.
Borders unite and separate, like a cell membrane. How can we be conscious of the defense mechanisms as well as the potentials?
Välkommen till ett community-event för elever och tidigare elever från Psykosyntesakademin. Öppet för alla som har gått minst utbildningen Essentials. (Om du inte är elev eller alumni, men detta verkligen intresserar dig, hitta en i ditt närverk och kom med som gäst!)

Andrea Bocconi (IT)
Licensed psychotherapist (SIPT), psychologist, psychosynthesis psychotherapist, supervisor and teacher.
Andrea is licenced by Scuola Italiana di Psicosintesi terapeutica, took his degree in psychology at the University of Padova and teaches psychology and psychosynthesis.
Andrea studied with Roberto Assagioli in Firenze during 1971-1974 and with Piero Ferrucci until 1976. He also has a law degree from the University of Pisa.
Apart from teaching in Italy, he travels to Amsterdam, Madrid, South America, Indonesia and Stockholm to teach. In Stockholm he has been teaching since PsykosyntesAkademin was founded in 1989. His special areas are meditation, transcultural studies, creativity and psychosynthesis in education.