Event: Waking from the Nightmare: Our Journey to New Life – Person and Planet.

jan 3, 2023 | Event

A dialogue with the psychosynthesis elders, Diana Whitmore, Thomas Yeomans, Piero Ferrucci and Andrea Bocconi.

Together with our peers at The Psychosynthesis Trust in London, we invite you to this co-organised online event, January 13, 19:30-21:30 CET.

This event is a rare opportunity to join four of Roberto Assagioli’s students, Diana Whitmore, Thomas Yeomans, Piero Ferrucci and Andrea Bocconi.

In this second conversation, the four friends will share more about how their views have developed since their early training through their professional work in psychosynthesis and in their lived experience as individuals. The theme of this dialogue arises from a discussion among them of what is most needed at this time of constant change, where we need to be ready for many unexpected things.

The four will develop and share their individual views of psychosynthesis as a practical and grounded tool for living and being fully alive—one that enables us to be present and open to the moment at a time when the only thing we can predict is that we simply can’t know. They will also explore how in bearing the end of many illusions we hold there can be an awakening to life as it truly is. They will share how this process works for them in their lives, and how we can embrace uncertain opportunity with curiosity and allow sorrow and fear to be present alongside opportunity and hope.

The context for this conversation is the planet earth. It will be developed in the present moment, holding aliveness to what is current and relevant at the time. These four will share their curiosity and thoughts about the opportunity held for us all within the twist of the Chinese curse ‘May you live in interesting times’.

This will be a free event with a limited number of tickets available. Sign up to reserve your spot! 

Curious about where this conversation started? Watch the recording from the first conversation, held in June 2022:

Earlier this year Kim Shiller, Programmes Director at The Trust, interviewed Thomas Yeomans, PhD, for a rich discussion on Assagioli, Psychosynthesis, the early days and the opportunity:

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